A downloadable game

WASD - Move

Space - Jump

Left Click - Shoot

Right Click - Build A Platform

Shift + Right Click - Build A Trampoline

'R' - Restart Game

Shoot the zombies, build the platforms and reach the flag!


Your name Is Frank Louise, you were a farmer in Bowling Green Kentucky in 1824. You loved cheese. You ate cheese every day. You were known as “The Cheesy Boy”. Your College diploma in puppet arts was addressed to “Cheesy Boy”. You promptly changed it to “The Cheesy Boy” because you really loved cheese. The only thing you loved more than cheese was your family (your wife Sally, your son Henry, your daughter Samantha, your other daughter Lucile, your second son Steve, your dog Joey, your cat Kermet The Frog, your best friend Doug and his 17 hamsters, all named Frederick the __ ( __ was the number of hamster they where (Except for the 8th hamster who was just named Bertha)).). But then one fateful day an old woman walked up to your door. “THE MOON WILL BECOME CHEESE AND IT'S GONNA KILL PEOPLE!!!!!” But you did not hear her warning because when you were studying puppetry you happened to minor in Cheese. (while you flunked the course due to eating all of the cheese models, you were pretty sure that the moon wasn’t cheese) So you kicked the old woman out. Unfortunately that night, she proved to be correct and the moon did turn to cheese. But you did not fear. You still thought the cheese was your friend. If you had paid attention in cheese class maybe you would have known that cheese secretly wants to kill people, but alas you were too arrogant. You took your family and Doug, and his Hamsters out to frolic in the cheesy glory. But rather than enjoy the festivities, you were instead ambushed by living cheese zombies. They killed everyone, ripping them into pieces before assimilating them into the cheese hive mind. But before they could kill you a bunch of plot armor clouds blocked the moon, turning the cheese back to normal cheese and giving you time to escape. You needed time to recover from the betrayal. You only loved two things in the world: cheese, and the people who just got killed by cheese. It was a betrayal greater than Caesar and Brutus. Seriously, it was really ruff. Like you know the feeling when you catch your cat putting cyanide pills into your girlfriend's chai ice tea because he wanted all the love. It was like that, but if your cat also tried to kill you and was cheese. But you were a headstrong man. Despite being terrified of Googly eyes you got your puppet arts degree, despite being bad at math you got your puppet arts degree, despite your dad threatening to disown you you got your puppet arts degree, to spite not wanting to work with puppets you got your gosh darn puppet arts degree. Why did you get a puppet arts degree? Cause you wanted to, and right now you wanted to kill cheese. It would be pretty easy to kill cheese right then and there, since all of the cheese was unable to move. But you were not only a headstrong man, you were also a man of honor. You would fight cheese when it was the next cheese moon. But in order to fight you new you needed to follow the art of war by Ryan Gosling and “know thine enemy”(Gosling 24). So you needed to find the old woman who totally called that cheese would kill your loved ones. To do this you simply found here on linked in and traveled to the Raising Cane’s chicken that she worked at. She told you that the cheese moon comes once every hundred years on the same day every year. So you grabbed an alarm clock, set it to 99 years and 364 days, then went into a deep sleep. You awoke in the same Raising Canes but this time in 1924, the same old woman who was now a super old woman told you the alarm woke you up late because they “didn’t make alarms good in 1824”. You asked her why she didn’t wake you and she said that she “Didn’t want to risk getting fired.” You asked her why she is so old and still working and she explained that Raising Canes give you a pension that grows exponentially for every year you work there, and since she has been working there since the dawn of time she was on the cusp of a big pay out. So you went out and got a minimum wage job until you could afford a new alarm clock. You set it to the precise time you needed then went to sleep in the same place. When you woke up you were now in a fancy penthouse. Jeff Bezos entered the room and explained he was actually the old woman who was now loaded from collecting her pension. She was merely using the form of Jeff Bezos to gain youth. When pressed on why she chose Jeff Bezos she explained that since no one would ever want to look like Jeff Bezos the Cartell didn’t suspect a thing. You didn’t have time to ask anymore because it was cheese fighting time. But then you remembered you forgot about leap year, so you did the math and set your alarm clock for 24 days. And that takes us to now, when you Frank Louise are here ready to FIGHT SOME CHEESE!


Zombie_Moon.zip 4.1 MB


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A+ Backstory. I like the platform/trampoline mechanic. I also like that you can move around in the game over screen, which I reached often haha. Nice job!